Παρασκευή 11 Νοεμβρίου 2011


The new Greek unity government led by Lucas Papademos, former vice president of the European Central Bank, will face the task of securing funds to avert the country's economic collapse. Europeans are sick and tired of hoodwinks and dirty games of Graecokleptocrats. Sarko says Graecokleptocrats are crazy and depressed!
Graecokleptocrats are haggling aboard Titanic in the ocean of Greek indignation. The government of Greece is the #1 enemy of the Greek people. That's why...
Greeks evade taxes and cheat their government in any way they can. But it's very hard to starve this beast.

President Charles Papoulias gave Lucas Papademos the mandate to form a government. The new government will be sworn in today at 2 p.m. Papademos speaks the language and shares the philosophy of Greece's EU and ECB counterparts. He is not responsible for Greece's fiscal profligacy. The only thing you can hold against him is that he helped take Greece into eurozone with lies.

Venitis notes the Cradle of Kleptocracy should never have been allowed to join the eurozone in the first place due to its long history of kleptocracy, financial irresponsibility, and because it lied about its financial condition, sending Trojan Horses to Brussels as budgets. But Fourth Reich's great experiment with monetary union has been propelled more by politics than economics. Once in the eurozone, Graecokleptocrats took advantage of the stability it brought not to reform and improve competitiveness, but to increase their kickbacks, and to amass debt at low rates of interest to fund myriad sinecures in exchange for votes.

Papademos declares he is not a politician but he has dedicated the biggest part of his professional life to economic policy both in Greece and Europe. Papademos points out the Greek economy faces huge problems despite the huge efforts that have been made for fiscal consolidation and to improve competitiveness. Greece is at a critical crossroads.

Papademos's appointment ended four days of Tragicomedy staged by Papandreou and other party leaders. Vice-Chancellor Philipp Roesler warns Graecokleptocrats have a choice, reforms within eurozone or no reforms and expulsion. There is no third way. Shape up or ship out, pure and simple! Graecokleptocrats are ungrateful to Germans, and at some point German patience will end. Germans are near the limit of elasticity.

The unity government must implement budget measures and decisions related to an October 26 European bailout that's worth 130 billion euros, including a debt swap, before holding elections in May. Schaeuble asserts Fourth Reich needs a process that deals with sovereign insolvencies, while solidarity in the bloc has its limits. There's been a fundamental shift in how markets view sovereign debt, and preventing contagion is a tremendous challenge. Now is the time for bold steps in Fourth Reich.

Fuehrer Merkozy declares Greece's case is exceptional and unique, due to the huge corruption of Graecokleptocrats. An 8 billion-euro loan tranche must be paid to Greece before the middle of December to prevent a collapse of Greece's financial system. Disbursement of funds was halted by Fuehrer Merkozy after Papandreou called the referendum on the European bailout terms.

Papademos notes he is confident Greece's participation in eurozone is a guarantee of monetary stability. The country's participation in the euro zone, despite the difficulties it is facing, will facilitate the adjustment of the economy and growth and we must all be optimistic on the final outcome as long as we are united.

Quo vadis Graecokleptocrats? Greece is in deprression. Venitis asserts the Greek economy does not need haircuts, but taxcuts. The European Commission says Greece's debt will be twice the economy's size in 2012 amid a fifth straight annual contraction. The unemployment rate rose to 20 percent. Graecokleptocrats should be hanged in front of the Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square.

Greece's debt will reach 170 percent of gross domestic product this year and jump to 200 percent in 2012. Graecokleptocrats's austerity program is already hopelessly behind schedule, in terms of both the sale of government property and the agreed reforms. It's like dealing with children that constantly have to be told to clean up their rooms. Troika members are very angry. Everyone is irritated over the lack of progress of Graecokleptocrats.

Barrompuy points out it is important for Papademos to send a strong cross-party message of reassurance to its European partners that it is committed to doing what it takes to set its debt on a steady downward path. Christine Lagarde of IMF has made it absolutely clear she does not trust Graecokleptocrats, because they never apply what they vote in the Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square!

Greeks condemn Graecokleptocrats for creating hundred state agencies and hiring many thousands of public employees, even though it promised Troika to close down all agencies and fire many public employees. Some executives at state enterprises have annual salaries of 300,000 euros! Greeks wonder why the bank accounts of rich ministers have not been opened and why major tax evaders have not been arrested.

Papademos needs the backing of 180 MPs to secure approval for Greece's second aid package. Basil Venitis asserts the impunity of the 300 MPs of the Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square is the most freakish thing on Earth. Even though Graecokleptocrats looted many billion euros in kickbacks and churning, not a single Graecokleptocrat has ever gone to jail!

Graecokleptocrats are protected by the parliamentary immunity, and nobody can touch them, no matter what. Moreover, they have the nerve to jail dissident bloggers. It's a long way from the 300 Spartans of Leonidas! Allons enfants de la Grece! http://venitism.blogspot.com

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